Unleashing Emotional Wellness, Peak Physical Performance and Becoming a Catalyst for Change Through Veganism with Maxime Sigouin

Hello, Superhumans! Today, we journey into the heart of transformation, resilience, and the powerful synergy of fitness and veganism. Our guest is Maxime Sigouin, the inspiring force behind the Fit Vegan movement.Imagine this: $34.37 in the bank, a mounting debt of over 60 grand, credit cards exhausted funding cancer treatments, the looming loss of an…

Unlocking the Universe: Aliens, Dark Matter, and Our Cosmic Purpose with Harvard Professor Avi Loeb

Welcome Superhumans! Today we venture into the cosmos, unearthing profound questions and possibilities that challenge our very understanding of our place in the universe. As the age-old question persists, “Are we alone?”, humanity stands on the precipice of potentially groundbreaking discoveries. Yet, many in the scientific community have hesitated to probe deeper. But our guest…

Liquid Love and Calm Focus: When Ancient Botanical Wisdom Meets Modern Science with JW Ross

In a rapidly evolving world, many of us are looking to ancient wisdom and nature for answers. Answers to heal, to enhance, and to deeply connect with our inner selves. Today’s guest is a student and a steward of that journey. JW Ross, founder and mastermind behind Botanic Tonics, has been trailblazing a path where…

Dr. Gladys McGarey: The 102 Year Old Mother Of Holistic Medicine Shares How to Live a Life Fueled by Love

Welcome to a very special episode of The Superhumanize Podcast. Our guest today is someone who doesn’t need an introduction for those in the know, but for those who aren’t yet aware, prepare to be truly inspired. We’re honored to have with us today Dr. Gladys McGarey, a truly groundbreaking pioneer and an extraordinary soul.…

The Divine Feminine, A Method to “DROPP” Chronic Pain, Reiki Healing, and the Breath of Limitless Love with Rajashree Maa

Welcome to another episode of Superhumanize, the podcast that explores the extraordinary potential within each of us. Today, we have an exceptional guest who will take us on a transformative journey toward holistic wellness and self-discovery. Joining us is Joni Dittrich, Ph.D., also known as Rajashree Maa, a revered teacher of meditation, yogic wisdom, and…

Meet the Future of Body Scanning to Detect Tumors and Keep You Healthy and Aging Optimally! with Prenuvo CEO Andrew Lacy

Today, I am going to talk about an incredible personal experience with a revolutionary healthcare technology that left me so impressed I simply had to share it. And my guest today is the man at the forefront of this technology. Andrew Lacy is the CEO of Prenuvo, a company on a mission to shift healthcare…

The Evolved Nest: Lessons from the Natural World to Raise Healthy Children and Create Global Peace with Dr. Darcia Narvaez and Dr. Gay Bradshaw

Welcome to another episode of The Superhumanize Podcast, where we explore groundbreaking ideas and practices that elevate our understanding of human potential. I’m your host, Ariane, and today we have the privilege of diving deep into the world of child development and connected communities with two remarkable guests, Dr. Darcia Narvaez and Dr. Gay Bradshaw.…

Why YOU Are the PhD of Your Own Body, a History of Ketones, and 100% Natural Means of Achieving Peak Human Performance with Dr. Latt Mansor

What is the key to peak human performance? How can we achieve our ultimate metabolic potential? Today’s guest is the esteemed Dr. Latt Mansor and he has some very compelling answers to these questions. As the research lead at H.V.M.N. and host of its Health Via Modern Nutrition podcast, Dr. Mansor is an expert on…

Lifting People Out of Grief and Finding Community with Irad Eichler

Have you ever felt completely alone while navigating a life challenge or crisis? Either because you have no one you can talk to, or because you feel like you don’t want to burden those close to you, or because you feel no one you know would understand what you are going through? I certainly have.…

Dr Terry Wahls On Reversing Autoimmune Conditions And Chronic Disease With Diet And Lifestyle Interventions

Welcome to the Superhumanize Podcast, where we explore cutting-edge science and insights that can help us live healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives. In today’s episode, I am honored to be joined by Dr. Terry Wahls, a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa, author, and renowned expert in the field of functional medicine.…